Workshop // Oral History II (July 10, 2017) @ Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto
/Oral history Interview at the Royal Ontario Museum (C. Barreto, 2016)
In July 2017, all members of the FamCam Collecting Team were asked to attend our second oral history workshop. The first session of this workshop was facilitated by Sizwe Alexandre Inking, and focused on anti-oppression/anti-racism through an LGBTQ+ lens. After this session, Luis Van Isschot (University of Toronto) and Grace Dyer Jalea (Ward Museum) led a session on the ethics of difficult storytelling, followed by a discussion of the FamCam collecting kits. This workshop concluded with a review of the first year of collecting, and a discussion of the next phase of the project led by Thy Phu (PI) and Elspeth Brown.
Presenters: Sizwe Alexandre Inking, Luis Van Isschot, Gracia Dyer Jalea, Elspeth Brown, Thy Phu, and Jennifer Orpana